Here you will find a range of links to books, organizations, podcasts and videos, and other ADHD-related resources that we hope will be of interest, no matter what your relationship is with ADHD.
All Resources (A–Z)
A Radical Guide for Women with ADHD
Sari Solden, M.S.

'Live boldly as a woman with ADHD! This radical guide will show you how to cultivate your individual strengths, honor your neurodiversity, and learn to communicate with confidence and clarity.'
Available through Indigo, Amazon, and your local bookstore!
ADDitude's ADHD Experts Podcast
ADDitude Magazine | https://www.additudemag.com

'Leading ADHD experts give real-life answers to questions submitted by ADD adults and parents raising children with attention deficit disorder across a range of topics covering symptoms, school, work, and family life.'
Download the accompanying slide presentations here: additudemag.com/adhd-expert-webinars-index (look for the episode number).
Note on audio quality: This podcast is a recording of a webinar series, and the audio has been captured from telephone conversations, not recorded in a studio. Register to participate in the live webinars at: additudemag.com/tag/webinar
ADHD 2.0 - New Science and Essential Strategies for Thriving with Distraction from Childhood Through Adulthood
Edward M. Hallowell, M.D., & John J. Ratey, M.D.

'A revolutionary new approach to ADD/ADHD featuring cutting-edge research and strategies to help readers thrive, by the bestselling authors of the seminal books Driven to Distraction and Delivered from Distraction ... [This book] draws on the latest science to provide both parents and adults with ADHD a plan for minimizing the downside and maximizing the benefits of ADHD at any age. They offer a range of new strategies and lifestyle hacks for thriving with ADHD, and discuss creating optimal environments, exercise, the power of connection, understanding and embracing innate neurological tendencies and considering medication. As inspiring as it is practical, ADHD 2.0 will help you tap into the power of this mercurial condition and find the key that unlocks potential.'
Available through Indigo, Amazon, and your local bookstore!
ADHD Dude - YouTube
Ryan Wexelblatt | @ADHDDude

The ADHD DUDE YouTube Channel aims to offer a modern, family-focused approach to ADHD based on experience.
Ryan Wexelblatt is a father to a son with ADHD, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified School Social Worker, ADHD-Certified Clinical Services Provider, and a leading expert on social skills for boys.
ADHD ReWired
Eric Tivers | http://www.adhdrewired.com

ADHD reWired is a podcast designed for those of us who have really good intentions, but slightly wandering attention.
Host Eric Tivers is a psychotherapist-turned-coach, and has a unique perspective because he is a trained clinician who specializes in ADHD and is also an adult who has it.
TIP: An excellent place to start is Episode #150: I don't know how to tell you this, this is ADHD.
Adulting with ADHD
Sarah Snyder | https://adultingwithadhd.com

'We don't talk enough about women with ADHD, especially the impact hormones have on mental health. Former journalist and current ADHD'er Sarah Snyder unpacks this topic through patient stories, expert interviews and personal narrative.'
Ask Dr. Wong - Blog
Dr. David Wong | http://www.askdrwong.ca

Dr. Wong is a local ADHD specialist on Prince Edward Island who has a blog full of great information. After specializing in ADHD during his career as a pediatrician, Dr. Wong is now semi-retired and focuses on diagnosing and supporting adults with ADHD.
Bridge the Gapp

Bridge the Gapp is an online mental health resource for adults and youth in Prince Edward Island.
Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA)

CADDRA is an independent, not-for-profit, resource organization for medical, healthcare and research professionals with an interest in the field of ADHD.
Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada (CADDAC)

CADDAC is a national charity providing leadership in awareness, education, and advocacy for ADHD across Canada. They are committed to increasing the understanding of ADHD. They have many support programs, and their website is a fantastic resource for Canadians with ADHD.
Dr. Annick Vincent

Dr. Annick Vincent and her team have created a website full of resources about ADD/ADHD, with the goal of fostering understanding in order to provide better support for those impacted by ADD/ADHD.
(This website is also available in en français: http://attentiondeficit-info.com/a-propos)
Dr. Russell Barkley

Official website of Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D., an internationally recognized authority on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD/ADD) in children & adults who has dedicated his career to widely disseminating science-based information about ADHD.
High School Sucked
Jane Stanton

Even though this podcast isn't specifically about ADHD, the host — and, in earlier episodes, both hosts — has ADHD and their perspective informs the entire podcast – plus, they are very funny!
'Jane Stanton hosts new guests each week to dish some dirt on High School. Were they best years of our lives? Does it actually get better? Join us with a new guest each week as we attempt relive the "glory" days.'
Kristen Carder

The I Have ADHD Podcast is a clear, concise, and FUN podcast for adults with ADHD. Host Kristen Carder is a serial entrepreneur, ADHD expert, and successful life coach exclusively for adults with ADHD. Join Kristen to learn about how ADHD impacts every area of your life...from the boardroom to the bedroom...and how you can begin to overcome your symptoms by accepting who you are, flaws and all. The I Have ADHD Podcast doesn't suck!! Find out for yourself by binge-listening from the beginning or starting with the latest episode. Whether you're officially diagnosed, self-diagnosed, or just curious about ADHD, you're going to love this podcast
My Brain Needs Glasses - ADHD Explained to Kids
Annick Vincent, M.D.

'Tom is eight years old and coping with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Through his imaginary journal, he shares his daily life with readers, helping young people, as well as parents and other caregivers, to better understand and cope with ADHD. Tom is endearing, and his journal is funny and imaginative. It brings his reality to life, with all its challenge — challenges that are anything but imaginary.
Packed with effective tips and practical advice for coping with ADHD, this book is an indispensable tool that will answer plenty of questions, regardless of your age!'
Annick Vincent, M.D., is also the author of 'My Brain Still Needs Glasses - ADHD in Adolescents and Adults'.
Available through Indigo, Amazon, and your local bookstore. Also available in French!
My Brain Still Needs Glasses - ADHD in Adolescents and Adults
Annick Vincent, M.D.

A practical guide on how to live with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder for adolescents and adults. Also available in French!
Psychiatrist Annick Vincent, M.D., has authored a guide which is a treasure trove of practical tips and tricks to help adolescents and adults affected by ADHD to develop effective adaptive strategies to deal with the challenges they face from day to day.
Annick Vincent, M.D., is also the author of 'My Brain Needs Glasses - Explaining ADHD to Kids'.
Available through Indigo, Amazon, and your local bookstore!
PEI Gov - Behavioural Support Team for Children
Provincial Government of Prince Edward Island

A team of professionals on Prince Edward Island called the Behavioural Support Team have specialized expertise in delivering treatment to children with disruptive behaviour disorders. The team includes a psychologist, social workers, and a youth worker.
The Behavioural Support Team works with children, families, guardians and other systems including day cares, schools, group homes across Prince Edward Island. Behavioural support is offered to help children aged 4-12 who have moderate to severe behavioural difficulties.
PEI Mental Health Walk-in Clinics
PEI Medical Walk-in Clinics Provincial Government of Prince Edward Island

Mental health walk-in clinics offer immediate mental health support to help with anxiety, as well as life events causing stress and other mental health issues.
Note: The mental health walk-in clinics cannot prescribe medications or make referrals to a psychiatrist of psychologist, but they can be a great resource for crisis intervention/management.
Sari Solden, M.S.

Psychotherapist Sari Solden, MS, is a pioneer in the field of counseling women and men with the strengths and struggles of ADHD. She is the author of three popular books and is a well-known, international keynote speaker on the subject.
Taking Charge of Adult ADHD
Russell A. Barkley, PhD

This is a great book that dives in to the various aspects of ADHD with information and also practical advice for the adult with ADHD to help manage common life situations.
TIP: If you aren't good at sticking with a book, or already have read lots about ADHD, we suggest you start with Chapter 16 for the practical stuff and then work through the first section of the book at your own pace.
Available through Indigo, Amazon, and your local bookstore!